Thursday, August 21, 2008

To God be the glory

I was due to sing for another wedding mass and the over-exertion from the day before on my voice was an unnerving factor. I drank a herbal drink to soothe it and did a half hour of prayer before the mass. I used Hillsongs to prepare and still my heart for my job. I also practised the songs for the wedding mass.

The hillsong videos on Youtube I had watched earlier were a major boost of self-confidence during the mass. The way Darlene Zschech sings on her videos was a source of inspiration for me while singing. She really worships our Lord as she sings rather than focus on the audience or on how she presents herself. In turn, I tried to focus more on my music and its meaning. It did show in the volume and conviction of my voice.

I also had in mind that my best would be better because God was guiding me through. At the same time, He guided me with His spirit to work within comfortable boundaries of pitch range instead of stretching myself. Though I usually sing a higher range, I declined it then instead of trying to show that I could. Due to God's leading, I think I sounded better as a result.

I give the credit back to God because He gave me this gift of voice. In fact, even my organist told me I'm gifted and asked me to go for voice lessons. I've contemplated it. We'll see how things go.

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