Thursday, August 21, 2008

My musical endeavours

As I had mentioned, I have to sing for 3 special occasions. I went for practice with the organist just now. Since I had listened to Schubert's Ave Maria countless times on my own, I was able to sing it. I was singing using my musical instinct acquired from being in the church choir while the organist was playing the chords. That was a job done well, according to her. So I should be ready to sing it on the actual day. Thankfully too, it is just one verse because the second verse isn't as easy to learn.

We also practised the other hymns like Morning Has Broken and the responsorial psalms. We sorted out the other details pertaining to these services as well. In the midst of it all, I was aware even more of my pitch problem. I know I've always had it but in terms of singing notes accurately, the inaccuracy degree wasn't that bad and I managed to get them eventually. I didn't know how bad it was till this practice.

I had to sing a song to her while she wrote the score accordingly. What I knew in my head was not sung out exactly, so when she played it on the organ, it didn't sound like what was in my head. It was frustrating for us so I suggested that she listen to the CD I have. My pitch and rhythm wasn't fixed and I would change them with each attempt. She told me I have the voice to sing but it's my pitch and rhythm that hinder my full singing production. Darn it! I'll listen to the CD just like how I did for Schubert's piece.

This problem's hereditary though my mum's is worse. However I don't see a point in blaming her or getting angry with her. I think I should solve it. This will affect my learning of music in choir as well as for services. She offered to teach me to read notes and told me to get a keyboard so I could play out the notes. I think I should set out to do so. My hearing problem, or pitch problem rather, causes me to sound sharp, flat or even out of tune as a result. What is more, I'm a blaster so one can tell that I'm the one with the problem. I must listen and pray more!!

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